Fiction/Nonfiction Workshop
Carol J. Amato - Carol has written 29 books on a variety of subjects, both fiction and nonfiction. She is currently working on two how-to books. You can find out about her work at www. caroljamato.com Mandy Baker - Mandy is a prolific romance author under two names, Madeline Baker and Amanda Ashley. Find her books (under both names) and much more at her website: Mandy's Madhouse Hong-My Basrai - Hong-My published her account of her escape from Vietnam and her struggle to build a new life here in the U.S. Read more here: Behind the Red Curtain: A Memoir. Ester Elliott - Ester blogs on the club website: Forces that Shape our Lives. She published a collection of short stories: Tito’s Little Pioneer - Growing Up in Yugoslavia Jackie Fisher - Jackie writes books for kids. Find her on Goodreads. Click here to buy her newest YA novel Courage Found. Nickolae Gerstner - Nicki has written a historical novel and several mysteries. Here she is: Nickolae Gerstner, Author. Rubin Johnson - Rubin writes about the fictional, near-future town of Mayberry. Read more at his site: mayberry_oil.com Kay Murdy - Kay writes on religion and has published a novel, Song of the Dove, about the life of Mary. Check out her site: TogetherwithGod'sWord.com Sherry Novak - Sherry has two novels in progress and she blogs for the WCW: The Unfolding of Wings. Cindi Peterson - Cindi blogs here: Joie de Vivre. Fran Syverson - Fran has written for the Sierra Madre Weekly. Articles from her column InnerViews have been collected in a book of reminiscences and meanderings. She is also a frequent contributor to Beacon Media in Sierra Madre. Read more on her site, InnerViews. |
Poetry Workshop
Robin Axworthy - You can read samples of her work online at Cadence Collective. David Bortin - You can read some of his work in The San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly. Claire Koehler - You can read a sample of Claire's poetry on her site, Remnants of Time. Julie Larson - You can read a sample of her work in The San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly. Denise Walsh - You can read a sample of her work in The San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly. Art installation by Jena Priebe and David Lovejoy at The Last Bookstore in Los Angeles. Photo by Michelle Majors.